Thursday, March 15, 2012

Paleo Diet

This is for you experienced dieters and health nuts.  The Paleo Diet consists of eating completely natural foods that occur in the environment before agriculture began changing our eating habits.  Meats, Fish, Nuts, Spinach, berries etc. make up this diet.  I frequently use this diet as a good way to purify my system from time to time.  It is a sustainable diet that you can stay on forever.  I have clients who have gluten allergies, diabetes, heart disease etc. and this is the diet I prescribe for them because it contains no sugars or grains.  The Paleo diet is also great for athletes because it contains a lot of lean protein.

Attached is a link for a great cookbook that contains easy Paleo recipes.  All my clients who are prescribed the Paleo diet own and love this book.  Check out the web page to learn more. 

Until Next Time,


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Are you Cool enough?

With spring right around the corner it's time to break out the new wardrobe which most likely consists of slimming outfits.  But there is more to staying cool in the spring/summer than wearing shorts.  Your diet effects the internal temperature of your body.  Avoid eating "hot" foods and start eating "cool" foods.  Let me elaborate.  What seems like common sense to some is a foreign language to others.  

When the weather gets warm you should eat foods that will help keep your body cool.  These include:

Raw Carrots
Spicy dishes


White Flour
Processed meats
Red Wine
Fatty foods

Follow this list and you will remain cool.

Until Next Time,


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Go Nuts

Your nuts if Almonds, Peanut, Cashews etc. aren't a part of your diet.  The benefits of eating nuts are vast.  The healthy fats in these foods help support your brain as well as your heart.  Those that eat nuts have been found to eat less due to the satiating effect of these wonderful foods.  Nuts and seeds are also very calorie dense so if your in a hurry you can grab a handful and fill up on something natural rather than a protein bar.  The amount of protein varies somewhat between varieties but you can expect to receive a great deal no matter what type of seed you choose.  This protein also comes without any saturated fat so it's extremely healthy for your heart.  Studies have shown that those who consume nuts and seeds have better brain function.  This is due to the healthy fats found in all varieties. 

So go grab a handful.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pan-Seared Salmon

Here is a great easy way to cook Salmon.


Salmon Filet (any size)
Black Pepper
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1. Preheat oven to 425
2. Heat a medium skillet on stove top burner.
3. Add olive oil to coat pan. Let oil get hot.
4. Place fish skin side down in pan.
5. Cook fish until slightly browned on side then turn over (time will depend on thickness of fish).
6. Once both sides are browned put whole pan in oven and bake for 10min. again exact time will depend on size of filet.
7. Then put back on stove top and melt small amount of butter on top.
8. Enjoy

* Oil may splatter. Avoid putting cold fish in pan. Let it warm up on the counter for at least a half hour before cooking.


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Meet your Meat

I have clients who ask me all the time about whether or not meat is healthy.  I always tell them the same thing.  As long as you are buying meat that hasn't been treated with antibiotics and other hormones then you can definitely enjoy the wonderful benefits of meat in your diet.  We must be wary of these large packing plants because of the way they treat the animals.  Often times the cattle will be fed grains which, are not natural to a cow.  They are supposed to be fed grass for optimal health.  So the grains make them sick and then to combat illness the packers give them antibiotics and steroids.  These chemicals are transferred to us when we consume these animals and are largely responsible for sickness and disease.  

It doesn't matter where you purchase your meat products as long as assurance of humane practices can be provided.  I personally like whole foods.  They have a great selection of meat products and can be trusted when it comes to food safety.  You should try to consume the leanest meat possible to avoid large amounts of saturated fat.  The best way to prepare meat is by grilling or broiling, this burns off most of the fat so you can have a nice piece of lean protein.  

Now I must get back to the kitchen to prepare a nice filet. 

Until Next Time,


Friday, March 9, 2012

"Sugar is Sweet, but not, as Sweet, as you"

Just about every health publication out there will tell you how bad sugar is for your body.  I certainly agree that there are types of sugar that are horrible for your health. But we must remember that cane sugar is a natural plant belonging to the grass family.  This natural sugar is something that can be part of a healthy diet.  I should mention that even cane sugar undergoes some processing that turns its color snow white.  If possible one should consume sugar in the raw.  You may have seen this type offered at Starbucks in small packets to be used with coffee.  This type typically comes from Hawaii and other tropical locations.  

What types of sugar should we avoid?

High Fructose Corn Syrup is a synthetic substance that is used in place of real sugar in processed foods.  HFCS is made from corn that has been chemically altered into a syrup.  This syrup is much cheaper for manufacturers because of its synthetic nature and unlike real sugar it doesn't have to be sourced from the environment.  HFCS is responsible for a whole host of horrible health effects from diabetes to obesity.  This type of sweetener should be avoided at all costs. 

So can we eat all the cane sugar we want?

As with anything you must use moderation.  You can however integrate real sugar into your diet at small amounts.  The best way to keep your sugar intake in check is to find balance in your daily meals.  If you have a tea with real sugar then don't also eat a bunch of pastry at the same time.  Keep in mind that even cane sugar undergoes processing so if you can find the raw variety at Whole Foods you will be better off.  I don't advocate drinking soda but for those of you who might want an occasional coke, try to find the Mexican kind that comes in glass bottles.  This coke contains real sugar because unlike America, the Mexican market won't support HFCS in their drinks.  

Now go out and treat yourself to a little ice cream, from a local homemade store of course. 

Until Next Time,


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Renegade Recipe Guide

A few days ago I picked up this amazing plant based recipe book.  Although I'm not a vegetarian I do enjoy eating plant based meals every now and then to keep my system clean.  This recipe book contains a hundred or so amazing meals with everything from breakfast to dessert.  I have recently been exploring the plant based diet after watching the movie "Forks and Knives" which, I will review in another post. 

Definitely check it out.  I'm certain there are many of you who, like me are interested in a plant based meal yet don't know where to begin.  This best thing about these recipes is that they are very balanced meals that fill you up, unlike some other meat-free recipe books.  

So here is the link.  Let me know if you like it.

Renegade Recipe Guide